References and Source Material

Original course material written by Sue Hemphill except for the quotes and adapted material from the following sources:Material adapted from Resolution Skills Centre – A Division of Mediation Services:

  • Conflict management styles
  • The pinch/crunch map
  • Intent/Action/Effect
  • The perspective check model
  • Conflict escalation scale
  • Positions and Interests
  • Consensus decision-making

Tool Kit for Artist and Community Collaborations

Collaboratively written by: Marnie Badham and Flo Frank (Saskatchewan) and Sue Hemphill (Manitoba). This book is generously provided by the Manitoba Arts Council for the pilot course.

Community Arts Workbook … Another Vital link

Ontario Arts Council

The Partnership Handbook and The Community Development Handbook

Written by: Flo Frank and Anne Smith Caledon Institute of Social Policy

From Power to Partnership – Creating the Future of Love, Work and Community

Alfonso Montuori & Isabella Conti

Definitions complied from:


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