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Presenter/Speaker Info

The presenter information provided in this form will be used on Creative Manitoba’s website, newsletter and social media for program promotion and marketing.
Your email will not be made publicly available or used in any of the content created for the website, newsletter, or social media.
Your phone number will not be made publicly available or used in any of the content created for the website, newsletter, or social media.


Image 1 – A photo of you(Required)
If you have a way you’d like the images alt-text described please add it in the field below, if not Creative Manitoba will generate one based on our alt-text guidelines.
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
Image 2 – Sample of your work
If you have a way you’d like the images alt-text described please add it in the field below, if not Creative Manitoba will generate one based on our alt-text guidelines.
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
Image 3 – Sample of your work
If you have a way you’d like the images alt-text described please add it in the field below, if not Creative Manitoba will generate one based on our alt-text guidelines.
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.


Food Allergies (if applicable)

Media Consent

I hereby grant my permission to Creative Manitoba Inc., to use the photograph(s) provided by me for program promotion on the Creative Manitoba website, newsletter, social media channels and reports.(Required)
I hereby grant my permission to Creative Manitoba Inc., to use photograph(s) or video footage taken of me during the above event for publication, broadcast, advertising and electronic media for promotional and/or educational purposes.(Required)
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