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Call for Artists | Expression of Interest for Artwork in Park La Verendrye

  • Call for submissions
  • Winnipeg, MB

Website Compagnie de La Verendrye

Deadline: October 30, 2024

Project Overview

La Compagnie de La Vérendrye, with the support of an Indigenous Advisory Committee, is seeking to commission a new site-specific public art installation for the West Node of La Vérendrye Park in Winnipeg, Manitoba.  This call is for artists who can demonstrate a strong connection to the Indigenous communities of Manitoba. Eligible Indigenous artists are invited to submit expressions of interest and qualifications for this call.

The commissioned artist will be selected through a two-step process. In Step One, artists will be shortlisted based on their qualifications and interviewed by the Selection Committee. In Step Two, the selected artist will create a detailed proposal based on conversations and feedback from the Indigenous-led Selection Committee.

Background On The Project Site

La Vérendrye Park, created in 1938 in St. Boniface to commemorate the 200th anniversary of La Vérendrye’s arrival at The Forks, is a green space on the edge of Taché Avenue and is next to the Promenade Taché and The Loop walking trails. La Compagnie de La Vérendrye, as a living history group and a stakeholder in the park, recognizes the significance of the park’s role in initiating a dialogue about preserving Manitoba’s francophone heritage and envisioning its future within a context of reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples.
In late 2022, La Compagnie de La Vérendrye engaged ft3 Architecture Landscape Interior Design to collaborate with an Indigenous Advisory Committee, comprised of local First Nation and Métis members, as well as community stakeholder and partner representatives, to develop a preliminary master plan. This master plan aims to celebrate and identify the rich heritage of the site, incorporating four directional nodes, each with a unique focus and purpose, to honour the vibrant history of the area. An important component of the Conceptual Master Plan is the West Node, which serves as a powerful counterbalance to the existing large sculpture of La Vérendrye. The selected artist of this Call will be invited to put together a detailed proposal for this important node.

Artwork Location

The artwork will be displayed at the West Node of La Vérendrye Park, a site rich with history and cultural significance. The project aims to create a striking contrast to the existing colonial statue of La Vérendrye, symbolizing a shift towards a more inclusive narrative that celebrates Indigenous resiliency, reclamation and truth.


As part of this Call for Artists, an Indigenous Advisory Committee provided guidance on the overall stories and objectives that this space should hold. The objective is to create public art that supports Indigenous expression and embodies themes of resiliency and reclamation, and the acknowledgment of Indigenous voices and histories.

The installation aims to:

  • Recognize Indigenous communities’ resistance and resilience;
  • Symbolize the reclamation and celebration of Indigenous narratives, culture and land;
  • Serve as a space for acknowledging the full historical context of La Vérendrye and his relationship with Indigenous Peoples;
  • Promote an authentic understanding of the past and reconciliation and a way forward for the future.

Estimated Project Timeline

Step One

  • Call to Artists Issued: September 14, 2024
  • Artist Expressions of Interest Submissions Due: October 30, 2024

Step Two

  • Shortlisted artists interviewed and final artist identified: November 30, 2024
  • Proposals due from final artist: February 28, 2025
  •  Artwork production: Summer 2025 (Funding Dependent)
  •  Artwork unveiling: To be Determined with Artist

Submission Format

Artists are invited to respond to this Call by submitting a single PDF document. This PDF document must be labelled with the artist’s name and the project title (LastName_FirstName_LaVerendryePark).

The PDF document must include the following:

  • Letter of Intent: Maximum 2 pages (12-point font). Outline who you are and what your artistic experience, ability, approach, and interest are in this project, the site, and the community. Highlight relevant experience, your understanding of the park’s background and the themes you’re interested in exploring.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV): Provide detailed professional experience as an artist, past public art experience, and other relevant information. If applying as a team, provide one CV per team member.
  • Connection to Local Communities: Maximum 500 words (12-point font). Include detailed ways you are connected to the local Indigenous communities of Manitoba.
  • Examples of Previous Work: Minimum of 5, maximum of 10 images of previous work. This can be any artwork that you believe is relevant to the submission. Provide a title and brief description of each work. If applying as a team, submit a total maximum of 10 images.
  • Self-Identification: Provide a statement of self-identification of Indigenous identity, and describe your connection to your Indigenous community.
  • References: Names and contact information (current email and phone number) for two references who can
    speak to your artistic experience.

Other notes for consideration:

  • Implementation and construction of the project is dependent on funding.
  •  The Selection Committee will be led by Indigenous community members to ensure the authenticity and cultural integrity of the project.
  • Artists may be required to provide references for their relations to their Indigenous community.
  • Additional information about the park, its background, and future developments have been attached in the appendices to this document.

Submission Delivery and Deadline

Submissions must be received by October 30, 2024, at 11:59 PM CST. Incomplete and/or late entries will not be
accepted. Entries must be submitted digitally via email.

Please send your submissions to
For questions and requests for clarifications, please contact The final date for questions is October 20, 2024.

This call for artists represents a unique chance to contribute to the cultural and aesthetic landscape of La Vérendrye Park. We look forward to your submissions and the opportunity to celebrate Indigenous expression through this significant art installation.

Future Project Phase – Step Two
The Selection Committee will review all submissions and select up to three (3) artists to be interviewed. One (1) artist will be selected and paid $2,500 to work with the Selection Committee to produce a proposal and quote by February 28, 2025. This proposal will be used to seek funding for implementation and construction in the summer of 2025. The selected artist will be given detailed project information, including deadlines, dates, site parameters, dimensions and location. The selected artist will create a detailed proposal, including a written artist statement, concept, project budget, and production and installation plan. Further details and deliverables will be provided at the outset of Step 2.

To apply for this job email your details to

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