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At Creative Manitoba, we can give you advice on where to get the information you need for whatever project you’re working on.  Some useful resources, toolkits, and research sites are listed here but you can always contact us for more specific information.

Arts Advocacy

Social Impact of the Arts

Economic Impact of the Arts

Digital Technology and New Media

Statistics and Research

Cultural Evidence

Arts & Cultural Data & Policy Analysis

Government & Agency Reports

Heritage Buildings & Exchange District

Industry & Association Reports

Resources for Arts Organizations

Arts Management and Human Resources

Board Governance

  • A Board Development Guide (PDF Document)
    The Roles, Responsibilities and Functions of a Board – A Board Development Guide prepared by Manitoba Family Services and Housing
  • Board of Director Handbook Toolkit (PDF Document)
    This toolkit is your guide to ensuring your board of directors has all the information they need to support, understand, guide and develop your organization. The toolkit will review the responsibilities of not-for-profit boards and the responsibilities to the board by the organization. 
  • Governance Works: A Guidebook (PDF Document)
    This workbook is intended to be a tool to help you and your organization understand the fundamentals of governance and how to implement them.
  • Working with a Non-Profit Board: Tips & Tools (2005) (PDF Document)
    Topics include positive relationships, leaders and followers, trust and respect, communication, disagreements and outright conflict, growth and change, and more.


Education and Youth

Event Planning

Running a Non-Profit Organization

Resources for Individual Artists

Careers: Writing a Biography, Resumé, Cover Letter; Planning Your Career

  • Business Survival Toolkit
    Guide to help self-employers, small or big business owners in the creative industries survive and prosper. It offers hands-on tools to help with the big decisions arts and heritage organisations and creative businesses make every day.
  • Creative Choices
    Provides weekly newsletters loaded with great advice for creative entrepreneurs.
  • Cultural Careers Council Ontario
    Addresses human resources and career development needs and issues for Ontario’s arts and culture community. Includes a Job bank, Human Resource toolkits, and links to other organizations concerned with arts management.
  • Cultural Human Resource Council (CHRC)
    Strengthens Canada’s cultural workforce through training, career development, and human resources – includes many online resources including Job Board and the Art of Managing Your Career.
  • How to Write a Bio-download (PDF)
    Tips for Writing Your Super-Interesting Bio
  • How to Write Cover Letters – download (PDF)
    Tips for Writing Winning Cover Letters
  • “From artist to entrepreneur” – Article
    Steps to making the transition from being a student to establishing an arts practice, business, or career within the creative and cultural industries is a challenging but exciting journey.

Funding Sources and Financial Management

  • “Finance for Freelancers” – Article
    Money takes on a whole new meaning when you’re self-employed. The taxman can investigate the accounts of any freelancer so it’s crucial yours are accurate, up-to-date and in order.  Whether you’re starting out, or needing a recap on your personal finance, experts Anita Brook and Matt Ponting offer their advice.
  • Grant Writing Toolkit – download (PDF)
    This toolkit will address the basic needs for a grant application such as artist’s statement, biography, support material, budget, and art project outline.
  • indiegogo
    Create your own fundraising campaign on this multi-sector site.
  • The Winnipeg Arts Council
    The City of Winnipeg’s arm’s-length agency, which advises the city on cultural policy development. Main areas of activity are grants, awards, public art programs, promotion, and liaising with the City.
  • Manitoba Arts Council
    Funded through Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Tourism, makes awards for artistic excellence to individuals and organizations in Manitoba, and promotes and facilitates arts education opportunities.
  • Canada Council for the Arts
    Canada’s national, arm’s-length arts funding agency which provides grants, endowments and prizes, research, communications, and arts promotion activities.
  • Canada Heritage
    Provides and maintains national policies and programs that promote Canadian content; foster cultural participation, active citizenship and participation in Canada’s civic life; and strengthen connections among Canadians.
  • Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Tourism
    Government body that assists and supports community initiatives to promote access by all Manitobans to the study, creation, production, exhibition and publication of works in the arts.
  • Canada Revenue Agency – Charities Information
    Provides information on becoming a Charity, tax returns for charities, tax receipting, database of returns made by Canadian charities.
  • IFACCA Good Practice Guides
    Provides Good Practice Guides for arts councils and arts funding agencies in four categories: Subsidies and Grants; Strategic Activities and Government Relations; Managing an Arts Funding Agency; and Information Provision.
  • Grant Deadlines (Updated June 21, 2012)
    September – June deadlines for Manitoba Arts Council (MAC), Winnipeg Arts Council (WAC), and the Canada Council for the Arts (CCA).
  • The Five Do’s and Five Don’ts of Successful Businesses
    What do Canada’s most successful businesses do differently than other firms?


Mentorships and Internships

  • Young Canada Works
    A Canadian Heritage initiative offering summer jobs and internships to students and recent graduates.

Post-Secondary Education
Arts Administration

Performing and Visual Arts

Resource & Support Organizations for Independent Artists