Rural Mentorship Program pair Kelly Klick and Atlas Lister in the studio working on a clay sculpture.
Mentoring is a rewarding experience for both the mentor and the mentee. Creative Manitoba serves as a facilitator to help up-and-coming rural artists find mentors to further their artistic growth. In this spotlight, we feature visual artist and mentor Kelly Klick and her mentee Atlas Lister. Read on to find out more about their experiences working together!
Tell us a little about yourself and your work!
“My art is all over the place. I like to create semi-realistic work. I get inspired by historic or religious artwork done by the masters.”
“I am a visual artist who loves to involve others in the arts. As the president of Pinawa Art 211, I find myself busy organizing classes, supporting other artists, picking up clay, communicating with other organizations and spending time in my studio. Mentoring Atlas has been a wonderful experience that has led my creativity in a fresh direction.” – Kelly
How long have you been a practicing artist?
“I’d say a couple of years.” – Atlas
“I’m an older woman but a newly practicing artist. I consider myself still an emerging artist as I started art when I retired in 2020.”
– Kelly
What sorts of things have you been doing/talking about within your artistic discipline during this program?
“We have been discussing post-secondary schooling and how art might fit in as either a profession or a major side hustle. We looked into a few art schools and how to build up a portfolio. I worked on a couple of sculptures, a creepy ‘before’ head, a torso and an ‘after’ head. But my ‘after’ head hit the floor and could not be saved! So tragic! If I ever become an evil villain that will be my origin story! I am also working on an oil painting.” – Atlas

“I worked on a couple of sculptures, a creepy ‘before’ head, a torso and an ‘after’ head. But my ‘after’ head hit the floor and could not be saved! So tragic! If I ever become an evil villain that will be my origin story!”
– Atlas
“Atlas and I have been talking about art as a profession. We have been talking about all things clay. We have been discussing the body and its anatomy, physiology, emotions and how to capture in 2D or 3D.” – Kelly
What aspect of your work brings you joy?
“Getting to socialize with other artists and inspecting their work. I get to see different perspectives. Artists are all about diversity.” – Atlas
“Working with others is where I get my energy. However, seeing something flow from vision to completion also brings joy.” – Kelly
What positive outcomes have come from the Creative Manitoba Professional Mentorship Program? What made you feel most excited?
“Definitely that she has more experience than me and that we can talk about different subjects and I get her viewpoint.” – Atlas
“One positive outcome is experiencing a youth find community. I feel very honoured to have witnessed that.” – Kelly

Kelly Klick can be reached at her website kellyklickart.ca or at her Instagram profile.