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Strategic Storytelling with Doug Darling (Tripwire Media Group)

RRC Polytech: Manitou a bi Bii Daziigae 2055 Notre Dame Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Engage and persuade people on a deeper level. Attract attention and turn attention into action. Learn how to apply strategic storytelling techniques to pitches, presentations,…

Creative Mornings | Wilderness

RRC Polytech: Manitou a bi Bii Daziigae 2055 Notre Dame Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

We travel to the edges of our known world — to wander, to lose ourselves, to commune with the wilderness. Dappled light dripping in through…

Creative Mornings | Amanda Buhse | $40 and a Dream

RRC Polytech: Manitou a bi Bii Daziigae 2055 Notre Dame Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

When your life collapses, how do you move forward? When everything you thought you wanted suddenly shatters, what are your next steps? Amanda will share…

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