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This form is for the mentee to complete and submit to apply for the Professional Mentorship Program. Before applying please be sure to visit our main page, to read through all information including program commitments and tips/Assessment/FAQ info.

Reminder you will need your mentor to submit their form here and your nominator to submit their form here. All 3 of these forms must be submitted through the website and received before the deadline for your application to be accepted and considered.

Once submitted, if your application has been accepted you will be redirected to a confirmation page. If you do not, you will see an error message and highlights – please check over the whole form as you may have missed a required question or had an attachment error.

If you have any questions along the way do not hesitate to contact Dora Carroll, Program Manager

Creative Manitoba pledges to make best efforts to prioritize opportunities for people with diverse backgrounds or from equity-seeking individuals and communities, with the goal of 50% of programs holding space for participants who identify as BIPOC or from equity-seeking groups.

Professional Mentorship Program MENTEE Application Form

  • Demographics & Contact

  • (This program is available to mentees age 19-29)
  • Please select your primary discipline.
  • Please indicate your Creative Discipline if not covered in the above list.
  • Creative Manitoba is seeking to offer meaningful programming and opportunities to equity-seeking groups, which includes members of visible minorities, persons with disabilities, Indigenous peoples, members of sexual minorities, as well as Immigrants and Newcomers to Canada. Please check the equity-seeking groups with which you identify from the list below (check all that apply). Creative Manitoba pledges to make best efforts to hold 50% of program space for participants identifying as IBPoC or from equity-seeking groups.
  • Mentor Information

  • List the mentor you are applying for the program with. They must also submit their form for your application to be complete and considered.
  • Nominator Information

  • Your nominator must be someone familiar with you/your work, other than the mentor you’re applying with or an immediate family member. They must submit their form for your application to be complete and considered.
  • Tell us about you

  • Briefly summarize your experience in the chosen artistic discipline. This can include formal, informal training, and any other experience. (Max 150 words)
  • Examples could be: visuals of artwork, headshot, resume, audio file (max 3 files)
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, word, mp3, Max. file size: 64 MB, Max. files: 3.
    • Examples could be: website, link to videos or films, music, visual gallery of work
    • Professional Mentorship Program Proposal

    • Provide a detailed program plan that you and your mentor have agreed upon. Is there a specfic project or goal you’d like to achieve? Are there specific skills you’d like to improve? Are there opportunities to shadow your mentor”s professional work during this time? Are there additional connections you’d like to make with others in the industry with their help? Be as specific as you can, and include details you and your mentor have decided on in terms of timeline and communication (Max 250 words)
    • Explain why you feel this is an optimum time in your career trajectory to participate in this mentorship program, and how it may help you in your artistic career right now. Why do you want to work with this specific mentor, and why now? (Max 150 words)
    • If there is anything you feel was not covered in this application that would be helpful for us to know, please include here. (Max 100 words)
    • I have read, understand and am committed to all program commitments and have gone through them wth my proposed mentor who also understands the commitments.
    • My mentor and nominator have also submitted their forms. I understand these 2 additional forms are required before the deadline for my application to be complete and considered.
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